Alliance for Family: Controversial Ultraconservative Group’s Recent Activities Raise Concerns Again

The Alliance for Family (Aliance pro rodinu, APR), a Czech ultraconservative interest group, has recently found itself embroiled in multiple controversies. This organization, known for its opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, same-sex marriage, and abortion, has been criticised for its undemocratic practices and potential ties to international ultraconservative movements.

Legal Dispute and Russian Influence
In a recent development, Olga Richterová, Vice-Chair of the Chamber of Deputies, won a legal dispute against APR. Richterová has drawn parallels between APR’s rhetoric and that of Russian President Vladimir Putin, particularly concerning given Russia’s ongoing aggression in Ukraine and attempts to divide Europeans through hybrid warfare tactics.

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The Controversy of Home Births in the Czech Republic: A Skeptical Perspective

In recent years, the debate surrounding home births has intensified in the Czech Republic, a country known for its excellent perinatal care outcomes without any religion-driven bias. Debates about home births on social media are often very heated. Women who choose to give birth at home are considered irresponsible and called with disdain eso-mothers (esotericism) or bio-women, that rely on the dubious practices of alternative medicine and anything “natural”. As skeptics committed to evidence-based approaches, it’s crucial for us to examine this issue critically and unbiased, considering the available data and expert opinions from the medical community.

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End of sterilization as a condition for official sex change

We wholeheartedly welcome the Constitutional Court’s decision to abolish the legal requirements for surgery and sterilization as a condition for official sex change. This decision is an important victory for personal autonomy and human dignity for transgender and non-binary people in our country.

In its ruling, the Constitutional Court today clearly stated that the legal requirements of genital reassignment surgery and disabling reproductive function are in direct conflict with trans people’s fundamental right to the protection of their bodily integrity and personal autonomy, and thus violate their human dignity. Transgender identity is not a disease and gender reassignment should not be conditional on interference with bodily integrity, which is irreversible and can have serious health consequences.

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Beyond the economic impact of sexualized violence and the Christian lobby

Sexualized violence is a dark stain on the face of Czech society, affecting the lives of thousands of women every year. New research presented by proFem and MindBridge Consulting presents alarming data on the economic impact and consequences that ripple through our society.
The research found that more than half of women have experienced some form of sexualized violence, while one in five women have experienced rape.

Although we often discuss the physical consequences such as injuries, research reveals extensive psychological, social and health implications. Victims face heightened sensitivity, lowered self-esteem and even chronic illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is worrying to note that only 32% of the women who needed medical help actually sought it, which clearly shows the barriers to accessing the necessary services that exist.

National March for Life and Family, 27. 2. 2019, former archbishop D. Duka (photo by Hnutí Pro život ČR,

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Strawmanning & refusing Istanbul Convention

The Senate of the Czech Republic voted narrowly not to ratify the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. Only 34 of the 71 senators present voted in favour of ratification, which was not enough to achieve the required majority of 36 votes.

The failure to ratify the Convention is disappointing for victims of domestic violence in the Czech Republic, who will thus lose the tools for their protection that the international document provides. The majority of European countries have already ratified the Istanbul Convention, and the Czech Republic finds itself in a minority of countries that reject it.

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Nightmare instead of therapy – sexual predatory psychiatrist

A case of sexual abuse by one of the biggest personas of the Czech psychiatric community is now seeing its day in court. Dr. Jan Cimický, once a prominent psychiatrist who helped establish the field in the country (and also novelist, poet, translator, playwright and screenwriter), is currently on trial facing charges relating to 39 accounts of sexual assault and misconduct spanning decades.

At the beginning of the trial, the prosecutor read the text of the indictment for one whole hour.

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The (potentially) dangerous Society for the Defence of Freedom of Expression

Three years ago a new organization calling itself the Society for the Defence of Freedom of Expression (Společnost pro obranu svobody projevu) has emerged in the Czech Republic that is claiming to defend free speech, but a closer examination raise red flags about several aspects of this group that it may be more focused on spreading disinformation under the guise of free expression. While protecting civil liberties is certainly laudable, here are some of the problems that skeptics see.

Problematic members
The founding members and advisors of the group have extensive ties to figures known for promoting pro-Russian propaganda and conspiracy theories. The society was founded in 2021 by figures like game developer Daniel Vávra and businessman Vlastimil Veselý. From the start, questions were raised about their true intentions. Vávra has a history of sharing discredited conspiracies and has shared misinformation from pro-Kremlin politician Václav Klaus Jr. in the past, while Veselý’s social media is rife with pro-Kremlin propaganda, COVID denialism, and attacks on democratic leaders and institutions. Advisory board members like Petr Drulák and Jana Zwyrtek Hamplová are well-known for parroting Russian talking points, such as denying war crimes in Bucha. Other advisors like Ivo Budil and Zbyněk Passer have spread conspiracies and supported pro-Russian candidates. Given these backgrounds, it is reasonable to question whether the group’s true aim is defending free speech or more about providing a platform for certain types of disinformation.

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Statement ot the Atropos Skeptics Society on the activities of Dominik Duka

note: Originally this statement was intended only for the Czech audience, but we believe that Mr Duka is such a public figure that we should publish this statement here as well.

We are deeply concerned about the unceasing efforts of former Archbishop of Prague Dominik Duka to influence public and political discourse in our country.

Mr. Duka has long been guilty of numerous excesses in his public appearances and actions, and his statements and attitudes promote intolerance, divide society, and constitute interference by the Church in the affairs of a democratic state.

Mr Duka has repeatedly shown that he clings to dogmas and hierarchies of power instead of the true Christian values of love, compassion and forgiveness. His rigid positions on abortion or homosexuality go against the tide of real moral progress for humanity.

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