Cardinal Duka’s sharp turn of mind

Czech and long-time pro-Russian President Miloš Zeman has performed an unexpected and somewhat desperate somersault of opinion, calling his friend Putin a lunatic, hoisting the Ukrainian flag at Prague Castle, and planning to award Ukrainian President Zelensky the Czech Republic’s highest state honour, the Order of the White Lion.
A number of leading Czech officials, including the presidents of both chambers of Parliament, the president of the Constitutional Court, and at least three university rectors, have announced that they will not attend the event of the awarding of state honours because of Zeman’s past warm relations with Vladimir Putin’s Russia and his frequent attempts to discredit Czech intelligence services warning of Russia’s hostile actions in the country.

Has our “favourite” Cardinal Dominik Duka woken up together with the President?
Let us recall how, at the end of 2018, he responded to the question of whether or not he supported the arrival of fifty orphans – refugees from Syria – to the Czech Republic:
“The Archbishop of Olomouc and the Charity of the Czech Republic are dealing with these matters. (…) I am unable to intervene in this debate on the merits.”
“Yes, generally speaking, we all know that it is necessary to help those in need, but on the other hand, we also know that this is to some extent a political struggle these days. For that reason, I cannot answer.”

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Cardinal Duka speaks again when he should remain silent

Czech Cardinal Dominic Duka has responded to the latest developments in the case of the accusations against Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who has been accused of neglecting to investigate four cases of sexual harassment of minors by the clergy while he was Archbishop of Munich.
Such a reaction is not surprising, since Duka himself was the subject of a criminal complaint for abetting the perpetrators of sexual violence in the Dominican Order, which Duka led at the time.
He called his defence of the Pope “Munich Betrayal for the Second Time”, which for some unfathomable reason equates the Munich Agreement with a cover-up of sexual abuse. Duka wants to call the Archbishop of Munich, his curia and the President of the German Bishops’ Conference “to account for the defamation and tarnishing of the reputation of Pope Benedict XVI”. Such a call for accountability at a time when Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in his letter, expresses his regret for the pain of victims of sexual abuse in the Church is downright chutzpah from a man with Duke’s past.

Cardinal Duka (right), photo by Jiří Bubeníček, Wikipedia

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Cardinal Duka and “fake” 2021 Census

Recently there have been articles in the media about the fact that in the “atheistic” Czech Republic there are fewer believers who profess to belong to specific churches. This is based on the results of the 2021 census.

While in 1991 more than four and a half million people identified themselves as believers, twenty years later not even half of them were believers. The number of Czech citizens who claim to belong to a particular church is slightly lower than in the last census eleven years ago, but the number of those who identify themselves as believers but do not consider themselves part of a religious organization has increased by about a quarter of a million. Last year, over 1.3 million people subscribed to a faith, but of those 960,000 did not subscribe to any church.

Sociologist of religion Zdeněk R. Nešpor quite rightly points out that the methodology of the census has been different each time.
“We are comparing numbers that look the same but are not the same. The old censuses, and even the censuses from the 1990s, are different from those from last year.”

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Anti-vaxx misinformation really kills

Czech folk singer Hana Horká (57) from popular folk band Asonance died after catching COVID-19 on purpose in order to start having a “free life “. Catching the virus (as she believed) would allow her to avoid needing the vaccine, leading to her celebration upon learning she had contracted the virus.
It should be noted that Horká did not fall for any conspiracy theories, she did not believe that there are nanochips in vaccines and similar nonsense which is spreading on the internet. She just thought that the Omikron mutation is not dangerous and it is more “natural” to have the disease and get the antibodies this way than to be vaccinated.

Her son, musician Jan Rek, blames her death on the stars of the Czech antivax scene – namely actor and self-proclaimed shaman Jaroslav Dušek (winner of the Erratic Boulder Award from the Czech Skeptics Club Sisyfos for “good shamanic advice for every day”) and molecular geneticist Soňa Peková (also winner of the Erratic Boulder Award, who claimed in October 2020 that “Covid-19 will really disappear by Christmas” and who collaborated with the political far right and disinformation media). Hana Horká has frequently shared Facebook posts by these two personalities.

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Statement of the Czech Skeptics’ Club Sisyfos on the long-term activities of Zdravé fórum (Healthy Forum) and its offshoots

The information channels of the Zdravé fórum (Healthy Forum) show typical characteristics of a disinformation spreader. These characteristics are in particular:

1) Sharing disinformation and problematic websites.
Zdravé fórum intensively shares the content of the following disinformation or highly problematic media.

Study: Face masks are harmful for children, they inhale more carbon dioxide

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Czech fast and cheap Covid-19 vaccine

At first – quick numbers: 8275 confirmed cases, 5058 recovered and 290 dead in Czech Republic.

monalisa-4893660_1920“SARS-CoV-2-CZ-Preval” Study shows that the degree of immunization of the Czech population is very low. In the most affected localities does not reach the value of 4% – 5%. 27000 tested people revealed 107 positive cases.
The big news is that “Scientists from the Czech Republic top institutes have joined forces to create the new vaccine”. As Czech Health Minister Adam Vojtěch (ANO) said 4.5.2020.

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Homeopathy is not officially recognized medical practice

Homeopathy is not a medical service, there is no scientific evidence, the court ruled this month.

At the beginning there was a fine of almost €2.000 imposed by the Regional Council of the Zlín Region on a woman who provided homeopathy counseling.homeopathy-2054956_1920

The fine was confirmed by the Ministry of Health. Both administrative bodies assume that homeopathic services meet the definition of health care under the Health Services Act and can therefore only be provided by the holder of the authorization to provide health services issued by the Regional Council.

But the Regional Court in Brno annulled the decision of the Ministry of Health, and it filed a cassation complaint with the Supreme Administrative Court.

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Short report on measles situation in Czech Republic

The situation is not critical but also not good. Vaccination rates are declining, the number of cases of infection is rising.

94 patients has measles just in Prague since the beginning of the year:

    • children and adolescents up to eighteen – 31 cases (9 children vaccinated, 6 was under 13 months of age and 16 was not vaccinated because their parents rejected or postponed it, 7 was vaccinated in Ukraine, parents of 2 (foreigners) did not find necessary information about the vaccination of their kids)
    • adults – 63 cases

There are 154 cases of measles in Czech Republic from January to the end of October 2018. 

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Catholic Church vs. Istanbul Convention

Czech Rep. is still struggling with the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence).

Activist Aneta Petani peacefuly protesting against the Mass of Petr Piťha.

Three changes in Czech law are still waiting to be accepted – penalties for forced marriages, forced sterilization and the adjustment of the limitation period for prosecution for female circumcision. There is no reason to obstruct you can say.

Civic initiative “Traditional Czech family” went into holy battle under their motto “FAMILY – NATION – PEACE” to save traditional family model father-mother-child:
“By this transnational mechanism children will be stolen from any family and it is irreversible!
Information is, of course, strictly classified so the public does not know about the crimes of this neo-fascist system!
Ratifying the Istanbul Convention is worse than signing the death sentence over the countless defenseless children!”

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