Archives November 2018

Short report on measles situation in Czech Republic

The situation is not critical but also not good. Vaccination rates are declining, the number of cases of infection is rising.

94 patients has measles just in Prague since the beginning of the year:

    • children and adolescents up to eighteen – 31 cases (9 children vaccinated, 6 was under 13 months of age and 16 was not vaccinated because their parents rejected or postponed it, 7 was vaccinated in Ukraine, parents of 2 (foreigners) did not find necessary information about the vaccination of their kids)
    • adults – 63 cases

There are 154 cases of measles in Czech Republic from January to the end of October 2018. 

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Catholic Church vs. Istanbul Convention

Czech Rep. is still struggling with the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence).

Activist Aneta Petani peacefuly protesting against the Mass of Petr Piťha.

Three changes in Czech law are still waiting to be accepted – penalties for forced marriages, forced sterilization and the adjustment of the limitation period for prosecution for female circumcision. There is no reason to obstruct you can say.

Civic initiative “Traditional Czech family” went into holy battle under their motto “FAMILY – NATION – PEACE” to save traditional family model father-mother-child:
“By this transnational mechanism children will be stolen from any family and it is irreversible!
Information is, of course, strictly classified so the public does not know about the crimes of this neo-fascist system!
Ratifying the Istanbul Convention is worse than signing the death sentence over the countless defenseless children!”

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