Alliance for Family: Controversial Ultraconservative Group’s Recent Activities Raise Concerns Again

The Alliance for Family (Aliance pro rodinu, APR), a Czech ultraconservative interest group, has recently found itself embroiled in multiple controversies. This organization, known for its opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, same-sex marriage, and abortion, has been criticised for its undemocratic practices and potential ties to international ultraconservative movements.

Legal Dispute and Russian Influence
In a recent development, Olga Richterová, Vice-Chair of the Chamber of Deputies, won a legal dispute against APR. Richterová has drawn parallels between APR’s rhetoric and that of Russian President Vladimir Putin, particularly concerning given Russia’s ongoing aggression in Ukraine and attempts to divide Europeans through hybrid warfare tactics.

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End of sterilization as a condition for official sex change

We wholeheartedly welcome the Constitutional Court’s decision to abolish the legal requirements for surgery and sterilization as a condition for official sex change. This decision is an important victory for personal autonomy and human dignity for transgender and non-binary people in our country.

In its ruling, the Constitutional Court today clearly stated that the legal requirements of genital reassignment surgery and disabling reproductive function are in direct conflict with trans people’s fundamental right to the protection of their bodily integrity and personal autonomy, and thus violate their human dignity. Transgender identity is not a disease and gender reassignment should not be conditional on interference with bodily integrity, which is irreversible and can have serious health consequences.

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Beyond the economic impact of sexualized violence and the Christian lobby

Sexualized violence is a dark stain on the face of Czech society, affecting the lives of thousands of women every year. New research presented by proFem and MindBridge Consulting presents alarming data on the economic impact and consequences that ripple through our society.
The research found that more than half of women have experienced some form of sexualized violence, while one in five women have experienced rape.

Although we often discuss the physical consequences such as injuries, research reveals extensive psychological, social and health implications. Victims face heightened sensitivity, lowered self-esteem and even chronic illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is worrying to note that only 32% of the women who needed medical help actually sought it, which clearly shows the barriers to accessing the necessary services that exist.

National March for Life and Family, 27. 2. 2019, former archbishop D. Duka (photo by Hnutí Pro život ČR,

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Strawmanning & refusing Istanbul Convention

The Senate of the Czech Republic voted narrowly not to ratify the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. Only 34 of the 71 senators present voted in favour of ratification, which was not enough to achieve the required majority of 36 votes.

The failure to ratify the Convention is disappointing for victims of domestic violence in the Czech Republic, who will thus lose the tools for their protection that the international document provides. The majority of European countries have already ratified the Istanbul Convention, and the Czech Republic finds itself in a minority of countries that reject it.

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Dental care for anyone! … for anyone with the right political attitudes

Although Prague-based dental clinic‘s homepage features a large sign that reads “We’re here for everyone,” a little further down it states that it does not provide treatment to people with certain political views it disagrees with:

Who we’re not for:
* For supporters of all totalitarian trends, Russian, Chinese, Muslim.
* For the followers of misinformation, manipulation, lies, intimidation and unfreedom.
* For the young Western progressive left, who, blissed out by their long life of freedom, abundance and progress (won for them by their parents and grandparents through endless hard work), are now discovering and promoting unrecognised and uncharted totalitarian ideals and the censorship and ostracisation of people with differing views leading to the destruction of individual freedoms and freedom of speech.
* For supporters of racism. Because only and only “All lives matter”.

As much as we can understand their position and also that medical care providers are free to express their own views – these same healthcare providers have a duty to treat all patients who choose them, regardless of patients’ opinions!

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Statement ot the Atropos Skeptics Society on the activities of Dominik Duka

note: Originally this statement was intended only for the Czech audience, but we believe that Mr Duka is such a public figure that we should publish this statement here as well.

We are deeply concerned about the unceasing efforts of former Archbishop of Prague Dominik Duka to influence public and political discourse in our country.

Mr. Duka has long been guilty of numerous excesses in his public appearances and actions, and his statements and attitudes promote intolerance, divide society, and constitute interference by the Church in the affairs of a democratic state.

Mr Duka has repeatedly shown that he clings to dogmas and hierarchies of power instead of the true Christian values of love, compassion and forgiveness. His rigid positions on abortion or homosexuality go against the tide of real moral progress for humanity.

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Czech fast and cheap Covid-19 vaccine

At first – quick numbers: 8275 confirmed cases, 5058 recovered and 290 dead in Czech Republic.

monalisa-4893660_1920“SARS-CoV-2-CZ-Preval” Study shows that the degree of immunization of the Czech population is very low. In the most affected localities does not reach the value of 4% – 5%. 27000 tested people revealed 107 positive cases.
The big news is that “Scientists from the Czech Republic top institutes have joined forces to create the new vaccine”. As Czech Health Minister Adam Vojtěch (ANO) said 4.5.2020.

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Homeopathy is not officially recognized medical practice

Homeopathy is not a medical service, there is no scientific evidence, the court ruled this month.

At the beginning there was a fine of almost €2.000 imposed by the Regional Council of the Zlín Region on a woman who provided homeopathy counseling.homeopathy-2054956_1920

The fine was confirmed by the Ministry of Health. Both administrative bodies assume that homeopathic services meet the definition of health care under the Health Services Act and can therefore only be provided by the holder of the authorization to provide health services issued by the Regional Council.

But the Regional Court in Brno annulled the decision of the Ministry of Health, and it filed a cassation complaint with the Supreme Administrative Court.

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Catholic Church vs. Istanbul Convention

Czech Rep. is still struggling with the ratification of the Istanbul Convention (Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence).

Activist Aneta Petani peacefuly protesting against the Mass of Petr Piťha.

Three changes in Czech law are still waiting to be accepted – penalties for forced marriages, forced sterilization and the adjustment of the limitation period for prosecution for female circumcision. There is no reason to obstruct you can say.

Civic initiative “Traditional Czech family” went into holy battle under their motto “FAMILY – NATION – PEACE” to save traditional family model father-mother-child:
“By this transnational mechanism children will be stolen from any family and it is irreversible!
Information is, of course, strictly classified so the public does not know about the crimes of this neo-fascist system!
Ratifying the Istanbul Convention is worse than signing the death sentence over the countless defenseless children!”

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