(Not only) Christmas wishes

Dear friends, members, ladies, gentlemen and everyone else.
In this season of various holidays and traditions, we would like to wish you plenty of common sense, courage to explore, and mutual understanding. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Dongzhi, Shab-e Yalda, Kwanzaa, or any other significant moment, we wish you a peaceful and joyous holiday season.
The recent tragedy at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University reminds us of the fragility of human life, and the need to come together in an effort to understand and support each other.

May the Christmas season inspire you to respect diversity of opinion and the ability to find beauty in learning about the world together.
May your table be filled not only with a variety of goodies, but also with interesting debates and discussions.
May your holidays be filled with laughter and joy.

Atropos Skeptical Society wish you all well.

Statement ot the Atropos Skeptics Society on the activities of Dominik Duka

note: Originally this statement was intended only for the Czech audience, but we believe that Mr Duka is such a public figure that we should publish this statement here as well.

We are deeply concerned about the unceasing efforts of former Archbishop of Prague Dominik Duka to influence public and political discourse in our country.

Mr. Duka has long been guilty of numerous excesses in his public appearances and actions, and his statements and attitudes promote intolerance, divide society, and constitute interference by the Church in the affairs of a democratic state.

Mr Duka has repeatedly shown that he clings to dogmas and hierarchies of power instead of the true Christian values of love, compassion and forgiveness. His rigid positions on abortion or homosexuality go against the tide of real moral progress for humanity.

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