TCM in a tight corner

Good news, everyone!


For three years the TCM ambulance has been operating at the Hradec Kralové’s University hospital. However, the planned TCM Center’s construction stopped.
The new large Center was originally planned as a part of the hospital structures, but in

March the Health Ministry’s expert group decided that it could remain at the originally planned site but only as a separate organization.
And recently members of Czech Parliament removed TCM from the list of medical disciplines. 

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The present legal status of the TCM in the Czech Republic

“Endowment Fund to Support Traditional Chinese Medicine and Alternatives” in Prague is preparing commencement of operations of “TCM infocenter”.


20.6.2018 happened one of actions connected with this affair. It was Czech-Chinese meeting of people of various professions. Diplomats involved.Prof. JUDr. Ivo Telec, CSc. had a speech named “The present legal status of the TCM in the Czech Republic” which could be interesting resumé of TCM in Czech republic viewed from “the other side”.

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“Czech Trump” has become prosecuted prime minister

Andrej Babiš, billionaire, media mogul, anti-establishment populist, former totalitarian state police agent, became first prosecuted prime minister in history of Czech Republic.

He gained support of two other politic parties – Communists (KSCM) and Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD).
Both parties follow common anti-EU and anti-democratic course, SPD also spreads anti-immigrant mood. (EUROSTAT: 28 asylum seekers per million inhabitants of Czech Rep.!)


Does it matter to him whether the government gets the trust?
“I’m talking about people, not about what matters. You are dealing with “what matters”, in your bubble-journalistic world.” Babiš replied.

Czech democracy is dying and Václav Havel has been forgotten.

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Letter from Jehova’s child educator

Lately I found a letter in my mailbox, without envelope, just hand-written page from one lady, Jehovah’s Witness.letter

I repeatedly did not catch you at home and I could not talk to you personally, so I left you a magazine in your mailbox that I wanted to offer you. You will find practical advice in it on how to organize time in today’s hectic time, and how not to forget the most important values in our lives.
This magazine is based on wise and time-tested Bible advices.

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