The present legal status of the TCM in the Czech Republic

“Endowment Fund to Support Traditional Chinese Medicine and Alternatives” in Prague is preparing commencement of operations of “TCM infocenter”.


20.6.2018 happened one of actions connected with this affair. It was Czech-Chinese meeting of people of various professions. Diplomats involved.Prof. JUDr. Ivo Telec, CSc. had a speech named “The present legal status of the TCM in the Czech Republic” which could be interesting resumé of TCM in Czech republic viewed from “the other side”.

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AKTIP, dangerous alternative medicine scam

There is (not only) one alternative medicine case in Czech republic which could be the igniter for an strong effort to a legislation change.

The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic is preparing a law on healers in these days.
The ministry also wants to be able to examine if the healers did not harm the patients by their activities so this law should introduce the registration of healers and the obligation to keep the documentation. Those who will practice healing without the authorization or duty to compensate or the damage caused will be punished.bed-clinic-doctor-1321728

The ministry came with this regulation of healing after Czech TV broadcasts a document “Health Business” about Prague’s fraudulent Alternative Medicine Center Aktip.
(AKTIP holds Sisyfos silver Erratic Boulder award in the category of teams for the year 2016.)

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