Nightmare instead of therapy – sexual predatory psychiatrist

A case of sexual abuse by one of the biggest personas of the Czech psychiatric community is now seeing its day in court. Dr. Jan Cimický, once a prominent psychiatrist who helped establish the field in the country (and also novelist, poet, translator, playwright and screenwriter), is currently on trial facing charges relating to 39 accounts of sexual assault and misconduct spanning decades.

At the beginning of the trial, the prosecutor read the text of the indictment for one whole hour.

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Dental care for anyone! … for anyone with the right political attitudes

Although Prague-based dental clinic‘s homepage features a large sign that reads “We’re here for everyone,” a little further down it states that it does not provide treatment to people with certain political views it disagrees with:

Who we’re not for:
* For supporters of all totalitarian trends, Russian, Chinese, Muslim.
* For the followers of misinformation, manipulation, lies, intimidation and unfreedom.
* For the young Western progressive left, who, blissed out by their long life of freedom, abundance and progress (won for them by their parents and grandparents through endless hard work), are now discovering and promoting unrecognised and uncharted totalitarian ideals and the censorship and ostracisation of people with differing views leading to the destruction of individual freedoms and freedom of speech.
* For supporters of racism. Because only and only “All lives matter”.

As much as we can understand their position and also that medical care providers are free to express their own views – these same healthcare providers have a duty to treat all patients who choose them, regardless of patients’ opinions!

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Short report on measles situation in Czech Republic

The situation is not critical but also not good. Vaccination rates are declining, the number of cases of infection is rising.

94 patients has measles just in Prague since the beginning of the year:

    • children and adolescents up to eighteen – 31 cases (9 children vaccinated, 6 was under 13 months of age and 16 was not vaccinated because their parents rejected or postponed it, 7 was vaccinated in Ukraine, parents of 2 (foreigners) did not find necessary information about the vaccination of their kids)
    • adults – 63 cases

There are 154 cases of measles in Czech Republic from January to the end of October 2018. 

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